About Me

Making a Difference

For many years, I always kept my political preferences to myself. I didn’t tell people who I was voting for in upcoming elections because I was afraid I would be judged negatively. However, everything changed during the 2016 presidential election cycle. I supported one of the candidates wholeheartedly. Because I felt this person could make a positive difference in my country, I shared my support of him on social media outlets. I encouraged my family and friends to vote for him. I even wrote blogs outlining my preferred candidate’s strengths. On this blog, I hope you will discover the importance of publicly supporting a political candidate. Enjoy!



Making a Difference

    Important Patient Care Services To Seek From A Skilled Medical Clinic

    You likely want to remain in the best health possible and avoid serious illnesses that can shorten your life. Part of taking the best care of yourself involves seeking regular healthcare services. To undergo a yearly physical, you can find a doctor or nurse practitioner at a health care center and can make an appointment. You can receive a number of critical services when you become a patient at a licensed medical clinic.

    4 Ways to Protect Yourself as a Notary Public

    If you're thinking about becoming a notary public, or if you already are one, you are likely aware of the risks involved. If mistakes are made on important documents, a notary can get in some serious legal trouble. And, if any evidence points to you purposefully committing fraud, you'll face even bigger problems. So, how can a notary make sure they're protected? Here are four things all notaries should do to protect themselves.

    Tips For Supporting A Congressional Candidate

    The more that you learn about the political process, the more you will see that you have a role in it at every step of the way. People often have passionate feelings about presidential races but forget to support the candidates that are running for other positions — such as congressional seats. So many of these elections are up for grabs each year without voters truly making themselves aware of the issues.

    Benefits Of Working With A Government Relations Consulting Firm

    As a business owner in the private sector, you may not think you need to worry about interacting with politicians or keeping up to date with what is going on in politics. However, there are many ways you can benefit if you know who to follow and interact with. But not just anyone can get information on what is going to happen and when or discuss with local politicians your business and community concerns.

    What Happens When You Get Caught Cheating in College?

    Cheating is a serious offense in college. However, around 75 percent of college students have admitted to cheating. In high school, you may get a failing grade or after-school detention. If you are caught cheating in college, then the incident stays on your record even if you transfer schools. Every college has a policy about academic dishonesty. You should familiarize yourself with this policy. If you decide to cheat in a class, then it is a decision that you could regret.

    Cathleen Galgiani: Enviromental Issues For The Delta Area

    For people living in the Central Valley region of California, environmental issues are at the forefront of many political campaigns. It's important to know where the candidates stand on issues pertaining to the Delta, as well as their commitments to farmers. Here is a breakdown of Senator Cathleen Galgiani's record on environmental issues relating to Central Valley, as well as those that effect California as a whole. Strong Opposition to The Twin Tunnels Plan

    Tips For Conducting A Teleconferenced Town Hall Meeting

    If you are a leader of your local municipality, chances are good that you value the input of your constituents highly. They are the ones who are going to tell you which roads need to be redone, what changes need to be made in schools, and what companies they'd like to see the city try to woo. However, one of the main ways that the people are able to tell you what they think is through town hall meetings, where everyone comes together and talks it out.