About Me

Making a Difference

For many years, I always kept my political preferences to myself. I didn’t tell people who I was voting for in upcoming elections because I was afraid I would be judged negatively. However, everything changed during the 2016 presidential election cycle. I supported one of the candidates wholeheartedly. Because I felt this person could make a positive difference in my country, I shared my support of him on social media outlets. I encouraged my family and friends to vote for him. I even wrote blogs outlining my preferred candidate’s strengths. On this blog, I hope you will discover the importance of publicly supporting a political candidate. Enjoy!



Making a Difference

What Happens When You Get Caught Cheating in College?

by Kirk Ramirez

Cheating is a serious offense in college. However, around 75 percent of college students have admitted to cheating. In high school, you may get a failing grade or after-school detention. If you are caught cheating in college, then the incident stays on your record even if you transfer schools.

Every college has a policy about academic dishonesty. You should familiarize yourself with this policy. If you decide to cheat in a class, then it is a decision that you could regret. Read on to find out what happens if you get caught cheating.


Cheating in a class is not tolerated. The College Board of Trustees helps establish an academic-dishonesty policy. If students cheat, then they will fail not only the assignment but also the course. Some schools may fail you only for the assignment depending on how much of your grade the assignment is worth.


Suspension is a common punishment for cheating. You could be suspended for the semester or the entire school year. If you are suspended, then you could fall behind in your classes and possibly lose your financial aid. It helps to think about the consequences before making the wrong decision.


Students who cheat can get kicked out of school for the offense. Expulsion is a first-offense punishment for some schools, but others save this punishment for the final straw. Expulsion is when you are dismissed from the university permanently. This expulsion will also go on your academic record.   

If you disagree with the punishment, then you can appeal it. You must write a letter of appeal to the Board of Trustees. The board may ask you to make a public appearance before making a decision. However, the decision made by the Board of Trustees is final.


It helps to understand that plagiarism is another form of cheating. College students are taught the proper way to cite information when writing a paper. It helps to learn these guidelines to prevent getting a plagiarism charge. This task is hard for some students because they do not understand that you cannot use someone else's words as your own.

Many people attend college because they want a better life. You can overcome poverty by getting a good education. Cheating makes it hard to achieve this goal. Most schools take cheating seriously and could expel you from school. Talk to a trustee such as Katharine Hamilton for more information.
